Internacional Workshop on Adaptive, Compressive and Computational Imaging – WACCI 2024

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Participation at the WACCI Workshop in Montevideo, Uruguay

Optolab group participated this year at the 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive, Compressive and Computational Imaging – WACCI 2024, from 26th to 28th of November in Montevideo, Uruguay. More than sixteen experts in compressive sensing, unconventional imaging modalities, imaging at extreme scales, 3D Imaging, superresolution lensless imaging, deep learning for computational imaging, imaging through turbid media, spectral imaging, phase retrieval, wavefront sensing, adaptive optics, inverse problems, fourier Ptychography, computational applications in different areas. The event was organized by Professor Julia Alonso of Universidad de la República de Uruguay with the support of Thorlabs, Optica, USArmy, Comisión sectorial de investigación científica, Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), Chile.

Optolab group is waiting for its plane to the WACCI conference 2024 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Dr. Nelson Diaz presenting his research entitled a review of extended depth of field in computational imaging.